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Investor Relation Policy

Corporate Governance

Investor Relations Policy

This IR policy is based on the Oslo Stock Exchange’s rules, regulations and recommendations for listed companies, in particular to comply with the “Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of 1 March 2021”.

All disclosure, communication and reporting shall be in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, in particular the Norwegian Securities Trading Act, regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation), as implemented in Norway in accordance with section 3-1 of the Securities Trading Act as of 1 March 2021 (as amended from time to time) (MAR), the Norwegian Accounting Act and the Rule Books.



Spir Group values an open and proactive approach in our dialogue with all our stakeholders and participants in the capital markets. Our IR purpose is to ensure that any relevant information, that may impact the valuation of the Spir share is readily made available to the public, to increase understanding about the Spir share, our financial and business drivers and clarify underlying risk – to contribute to a pricing of the Spir share reflecting operational performance and underlying values.


Financial reporting

Reporting of financial information shall follow regulations set out by the Norwegian Securities and Trading Act and Euronext Oslo Stock Exchange’s continuing obligations for listed companies. Spir Group publishes quarterly result reports and presentations and makes this information available on the investor relations website as well as on the Oslo Børs news platform (, on dates published in our financial calendar. 


Equal information

Spir Group’s main communication channels are stock market announcements and its own web pages ( in order to secure that the same information is simultaneously made available for all stakeholders. Any information which could have a potential impact on Spir Group’s future development and the Spir Group share, shall be made available to the market without delay. All presentations regarding quarterly results or investor seminars are held in English. The company will seek to provide a consistent level of information regardless of whether the news is positive or negative.


Silent periods

Ahead of announcing the company’s quarterly results, Spir Group exerts caution with regards to information communicated externally. This period lasts for the final three weeks before a quarterly presentation is published. During this period, Spir Group’s representatives will refrain from discussing the company’s performance and prospects with analysts, investors, media or others, to minimize the risk of unequal information in the marketplace. 



Spir Group does not provide guidance on overall future financial performance but may communicate guidance or targets for distinct segments or product/business areas. Spir Group may also provide sensitivities or KPIs that may be used for calculations. Any such guidance or drivers will be communicated specifically and simultaneously to the public.


Investor relations spokespersons

The official investor relations (IR) spokespersons of the company are the CEO and CFO of Spir Group, or others authorized by these. Questions from investors and financial analysts to other Spir Group employees shall be referred to the CEO and the CFO. 


CEO Per Haakon Lomsdalen
Mobile: +47 902 71 918

CFO Cecilie Brændt Hekneby 
Mobile: +47 902 71 918